The Greenhouse,

is about growing matters, focusing on my greenhouse and potager. I grow mainly vegetables, herbs and spices but flowers have their given place too. From seed to table, this is the nursery for my living food, we cook a lot of delicious food and I say a potager is the cook’s best friend. The greenhouse makes it possible to grow essential, colourful, warmth loving fruit and vegetables even in this climate such as tomatoes and chillies. My main blog is Tyras Trädgård/Tyra's Garden. View my profile


Edible flowers flowering in November

This post "Edible Flowers flowering in November" was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog

Edible flowers - Companion plants

November and amazingly still hardy any frost at all. Now this is what I call a nice fall. Mild and colourful, talking about colours, I took a stroll through my potager garden the other day and took some photos of my edible flowers. This is what I found, aren’t they just sweet. Some of the plant has been “in floribus” all throughout the whole summer. Most of them are companion plant that helps my garden stay healthy.

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Show Me Your Greenhouse - Claus Dalby

This post"Show me your greenhouse/Vis Mig Dit Drivhus - Claus Dalby" was originally uploaded by Tyra
Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog KÖKSTRÄDGÅRDEN and reblogged in The greenhouse... and Tyra's Garden

 Show Me Your Greenhouse
 - Vis mig dit drivhus

The first garden book to be the read this year was a book from Claus Dalby. In this impressive and heavy plus five hundred pages book, we follow him on a garden tour. The author takes us on a grand garden tour through Scandinavia, visiting hundreds of garden and of course the same amount of astonishing greenhouses.

Claus Dalby has this amazing eye for what to shoot with him camera. That really impressed me on his visit in my garden last fall. He registered in a blink of an eye all interesting items worth detecting in my garden on that very day. He saw exactly those things that I wanted him to notice, most astonishing.  If it was plants or arrangement he caught them all with his camera.

After having read the book I have one greenhouse that really caught my heart and that is the greenhouse at Hørsholm in Denmark. The owners to this magnificent greenhouse are Margit and Knut-Georg Engen. The greenhouse was built in 1948 and has an area of 60 square meters. I love the design it is elegant yet not too extravagant it still looks like a greenhouse should look like if you know that I mean.

If you are looking for a greenhouse design or have a general interest of Scandinavian interior designs this is a good book to start off with. I know that it isn’t in your language but I think it can be of great help anyway as it is most inspirational.

The greenhouse in Tyra's Garden

Nu har jag läst årets första trädgårdsbok och det är en
riktig "tegelsten" från Claus Dalby. Som alla de övriga av Claus andra böcker är det här en
underbar bok att bläddra i, han är riktigt bra fotograf och skriver rakt och
 Han har en fantastisk förmåga att se alla de små detaljerna och det var jag verkligen
fascinerad av vid vårt möte i höstas. Han var så snabb på att upptäcka alla de
små "godbitarna" som fanns att fånga just den dagen i min potager. Om det
så gällde växter, rätta vinklar och alla små vrår så såg han vad jag brukar se och
fånga med mitt öga i min trädgård.

 Margit och Knut-Georg  Engens drivhus - Hørsholm

Engen's greenhouse in Hørsholm

Mitt favoritbesök var i det ”Engenska Växthuset” i Hørsholm.
Där bor Margit och Knut-Georg (vilket fint namn, två gamla kunganamn ihopsatta)
Växthuset är från 1948 och har en ansenlig yta på 60kvm, alldeles perfekt,
vilken dröm! Högt i tak och fin nockvinkel. Det här växthuset blev absolut min
favorit när jag samlat alla intryck från boken.

Show my your greenhouse - Vis mig dit drivhus

Claus Dalby
Thank you Claus for "a great garden tour" - Tack Claus för en fantastisk ”trädgårdsresa”
You find more of Claus Dalby's book here at Klematis

- Mer om Claus Dalbys böcker finner du här - Klematis

This is a picture that reminds me of a picture by the Swedish artist Hanna Pauli and the picture is "Breakfast time". The photo of my greenhouse looks like it is taken on an early morning in Juni. I can imagine myself carrying out a tray with the breakfast, to enjoy it out in the green. But it is not, it is actually taken by Claus Dalby at his visit in september last fall.

The greenhouse in Tyra's Garden

Här är en bild av mitt växthus som Claus Dalby har tagit och den påminner mig så om Hanna Paulis målning, Frukostdags. Det känns som en försommar morgon där jag precis är i färd med att duka upp till frukost i det gröna men i själva verket är det faktiskt en eftermiddag i september månad.

Om Frukostdags 

"Det är en fin sommarmorgon. Solen skiner. En kvinna vaknade imorse och beslutade sig för att göra frukost till hela familjen ute. 
De bor i en fin by. Omkring deras hus finns en liten skog. Kvinnan tänker att hon ska göra frukost i skogen.  
Hon ställer bordet och stolarna under ett stort träd. Sen dukar hon bordet. När hon är klar väcker hon barnen och sin man. Kvinnan ser glad ut

Text: Malgorzata

Happy Gardening Folks!

LOL/ Tyra...

and that is Lots of Love ;D

Don't be a stanger, communicate! 
ou can write to 
 or comment here.
 I would love to hear from you.

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Tyra’s Tangy Yellow Tomato Soup

This post "Tyra’s Tangy Yellow Tomato Soup" was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog The Tyra's Garden

It is October and the colours of the leaves are rapidly is getting cold. But, I can still go out to my potager and greenhouse and find some of the ingredients for today's soup. Today I harvest parsnip, yellow tomatoes, lemon balm and leek. (I smile) I know, I'm a lucky girl. Here is the recipe, do try it it was so good.

Tyra’s Tangy Yellow Tomato Soup
- with and Asian twist

This is a very nutritious soup with a most interesting taste and it is full of healthy vitamins and minerals. It is terribly easy to make, it actually takes less than 30 min to prepare. You can serve it both hot and cold. Some of the flavours that are represented here like the ginger, sesame seeds and oil, garlic and all the lemony flavour I’ve added make me think about the Asian kitchen.
 Tyra’s Tangy Yellow Tomato Soup with an Asian touch has less than 150 cal. / serving. This recipe serves 2-3 persons (about 4 cups)


Soup base to boil

400 gram yellow tomatoes
1 large onion
100 gram parsnips
1 small tender leek
1 small piece of ginger root (5cm -1-2 inches)

Some gorgeous flavours to add into the blender

A small bunch of lemon balm, other herbs of choice (cilantro, lemongrass)
1 lemon, juice of
1 lime, juice of
1 garlic clove
A few dashes of fish-sauce and some green chili pepper
( or you can use a pinch of salt & ground white pepper)

Add some more flavours to garnish the soup with

1 tbsp. Japanese soya sauce
1 tbsp. roasted sesame seeds
A dash of sesame oil per serving

How to do it:
  1. Clean, rinse and cut all the ingredients for the soup base into fairly large chunks and put them into a saucepan, cover the veggies water. 
  2. Bring to boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes, turn the heat off and leave it to rest for 10 minutes. 
  3. During that time prepare the garnish 
  4. Pour the entire soup base into a blender and mix it on high speed until smooth. 
  5. Add the lemon juice, lime juice, garlic clove fish sauce and a small amount of chili - mix again for a few seconds. 
  6. Pour it into the soup bowl and add the garnish 

 - Voilà! Bon Appetit!

The tomoatoes I used in this recipe was the Wapsipinicon Peach, /I got an extra s on the picture/ Sown from seed in early March. You find seeds for Wapsipinicon Peach at Seed Savers Exchange.

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Tyra’s Red Booster Soup

This post "Tyra’s Red Booster Soup" was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog The Greenhouse... 

Tyra’s Red Booster Soup 
- A red soup with tomato, sweet red chili pepper and carrot.
 The recipe makes tomato soup for 2-3 soup bowls  or  6-10 appetizers(small glasses)

This booster-soup is wonderfully red, it has very few calories and is packed with loads of excellent vitamins. It only takes about a quarter of an hour to prepare, so…this is true fastfood. 


Soup base

500 gr. red ripe tomatoes, all kinds
1 yellow onion
1 small sweet chili pepper
1 carrot
5 dl water 
Herbal salt

1 garlic clove
A assortment of fresh herbs (basil, thyme, sage, chervil, parsley, tarragon)
Peruvian pepper (whole)

Clean and cut the veggies into fairly large chunks.
Put them all into a saucepan and cover with water.
Bring to boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes
Add the herbal salt
Put it all in the blender and mix on high speed until smooth.
Now, add the garlic clove and the herbs into the soup and mix for a few seconds.
Add more water if necessary.

Pour the soup into a soup bowl and decorate with the Peruvian pepper and fresh herbs.


1. Add hot chili pepper to spice it up.


2. Serve Tyra’s  Booster Soup  ice-cold in pretty glasses with a celery stalk and perhaps some lovely big prawns on a stick.

Now that makes a really nice appetizer

Bon Appetit!/ Tyra

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Rocoto pepper - Capsicum pubescens

This post 'Rocoto pepper - Capsicum pubescens' was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallséenius Lindhe in the blog The Greenhouse...

October harvest

My Rocotos turned last
Oh yeah, this is my favourite!

It is always a great joy to harvest from the potager but I must say when we now have entered the most of October it is even more fantastic.

I thank you Mother Earth for giving me all this./ Tyra

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Stupice Tomato

This post "Stupice Tomato" was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog The greenhouse...

Ordinary  in size

 ordinary in colour...

but extraordinary in taste

This is a terrific tomat, it sure is one of my favourites.

Red and rather small slicing tomato, it is one of the earliest in my garden. Stupice tomato is an heirloom from former Republic of Czechoslovakia. The Stupice often sets blossoms at cooler temperatures than other tomatoes, which suites my climate perfect .

This is the first of my 32 tomat varieties to ripen this year. I grow it in a container in front of my garage and last night as I came home from work I ate it - Oh...what a treat!

Photo: Stupice Tomato

More about my tomato varieties! (you have to press the translate button)


Varieties of Chillies and Liquid Fire

This post "Varieties of Chillies" was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog Tyras Trädgård/ Tyra's Garden

Varieties of Chillies - Capsicum chinense

It’s time to plan what varieties of chillies to sow for growing season 2012. First out on my list what to sow are some really hot stuff - Three Habaneros and a (in taste sweeter) cousin from Trinidad a ‘Scotch Bonnet’. All these are from one of the five Capsicum cultivars - Capsicum chinense. Misleading name chinense “from China” when it is a matter of fact that they all (Capsica) originates from the New World.

 Unripe the Habaneros as well as the Scotch Bonnet are all green but as they mature they change colours. Common colours are yellow, orange and red. But I also grow a brown. Typically a ripe habanero is about 2–6 centimeters (0.8–2.4 in) long. I grow most of my chillies in the greenhouse but still you seldom get bigger than 5 cm. I guess they wish for a more humid and hot heather like the climate of the Caribbean or Mexico.  

Habanero chili peppers are rated 100,000–350,000 on the Scoville scale and the Scotch Bonnet is about the same, in other words VERY HOT!

1. Red Hot 'Scotch Bonnet'

2, Yellow 'Habanero'

3. Orange 'Congo', it turns more red later on.

4. Chocolate coloured Habanero

Tyra's Liquid Fire - Chili sauce

- Perfect to give your Bloody Mary an extra killer taste.
 Or do as I do - spice up your morning tomato juice! 

Take about a dozen of deseeded and chopped ‘Habanero’ or ‘Scotch Bonnet’ chili peppers from your garden and then you need:

1/2 cup (1.2 dl ) yellow mustard seeds
1/2 cup (1.2 dl ) molasses
1/2 cup (120g) light brown sugar
1 cup white vinegar
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons paprika
1 tablespoon  of grated horseradish
1 tablespoon ground black pepper, cumin, coriander
1/2 teaspoon fresh grated ginger or ground ginger
 1 regular can of sliced peaches or apricots in heavy syrup*

* You can use dried fruit and add some extra light brown sugar
to give the sauce the sweetness you desire. (Soak fruit before use)

Put all ingredients above into a mixer - mix until smooth. Keep refrigerated.
 The sauce taste best if you let it mature.  

Hold on to your hat! This is HOT STUFF.


 Handle with care

 - Do use gloves, knife and fork and glasses when handling these extremely hot darlings.

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Two Sweet Bell Peppers

This post 'Two Sweet Bell Peppers' was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog The Greenhouse...

September is the harvest month for all my chilies, the hot, as well as all the sweet bell peppers. These two head attractions I have in today’s post are a bit different from all the other peppers I have. One is an heirloom from Hungary and that is the ‘Ferenc Tender’ and the other is a rather new sort, it is just forty+something, introduced by the University of New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station in 1965, it is called Sweet Chocolate. (aka Choco)

What differs them from the rest of my peppers in my potager is the colouring. ‘Ferenc Tender’ is pale yellow at first and then it turns red when it matures and that is rather unusual, not that it gets red but the pale yellow. The ‘Sweet Chocolate’ has, as the name indicates, a chocolaty brown skin. Inside this bell the flesh is almost pinkish, brick-red.  

Side-dishes with mixed chilies -sweet and hot

We had a small “Bell-Pepper-Tasting” last weekend and that was fun. Four people, four peppers with four different colours. The peppers were Shepards Rams Horn, Sweet Chocolate, Ferenc Tender and Chervena Chushka. We all preferred Chervena Chushka, it was the sweetest of them all!  It was a bit unfair towards the other contestants because they were not really mature yet.    

Happy Gardening Folks! / TYRA

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Rocoto Chili Pepper - The Flower

This post 'Rocoto Chili Pepper - The Flower' was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe at the blog The Greenhouse

I grow a lot of chilies and this flower of the Rocoto pepper is one of prettiest chili flower that I know of. Therefor I want to show you it now when it is "In floribus", isn't pretty? Most of the chili flowers are plain white but this one has this beautiful deep purple colour.

This is how the fruit of the Rocoto looks like later on...but I have to wait until September or so before I can harvest the lovely Rocoto pepper. I use the Rocoto to make Red Hot Chili Sauce with.

You find more about my Rocoto and recipe for the sauce here in the "Kitchen Garden"  KÖKSTRÄDGÅRDEN

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