Stockrosen är urgammal som trädgårdsblomma och har troligen kommit till Europa på 1500-talet från Kina, via Persien och Turkiet. Det finns många olika sorter: ett- två- eller fleråriga, enkla eller dubbla i många olika färger. Stockrosor är släkt med malvorna, och liksom dem innehåller de mycket slemämnen. Dessa lindrar irriterade slemhinnor och dämpar hosta. Inom folkmedicinen har man främst bryggt te på de torkade blommorna vid olika förkylningsåkommor. Bladen har nyttjats till sårbehandling och frukterna som botemedel mot giftiga bett. Ett pulver av de torkade rötterna kokades i vin och användes mot inälvsmask hos barn.Ur stockrosor med mörkröda blommor har man framställt färgen malvarött, som man färgade vin med.Stockrosor trivs bäst i näringsrik jord, gärna mot en solig vägg. De behöver ofta stöd. text från Örtagården
Young tomatoes, chilie peppers plants
Dahlia (my own seed), Zinnia elegance, Cabbage red express, savoy and Tagetes.
Plants for the greenhouse and potager. These are the variaties of tomatoes and peppers for this year.
Heirloom Tomatoes: Crnkovic Yugoslavian, Federle, Green Zebra, Glacier, Czech Excellent Yellow and at Priciple Borgese and that is on old Italian. I do have some others that aren't heirloom like Money Maker, Sweet 100 , Ildi etc.
Peppers: Joe's long Cayenne, Habanero, Bulgarian Chervena Chushka, Bell peppers from Mexico , Ohio Heirloom Sheepnose Pimento and some Thai chillies from the market in Bangkok.
I think that in a few weeks I can start the big move out to the greenhouse and then the family can get the Veranda back!
Have a wonderful day and do write something it's so nice to here from you all.
Vad mycket du har sått, jag har precis satt ner mina frön. Lite sent men det har varit stressigt här efter jul.
Ett växthus hoppas jag att det ska bli i år el nästa år
Awww Tyra, just as you promised!~Thanks!!
It looks fabulous..all those seedlings..making my heart skip a beat! :D I love the picture of the hollyhock seedling..and the dirt on the side of the pot..fabulous! :) ~what kinda of photo software do you use~is that how you got the words~name of the plant on your photo..?
A wonderful post tyra..I look forward to seeing your babies when you move them in your beautiful greenhouse..and then in your garden this summer!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lena Kristina bättre så lite sent än för tidigt, de brukar komma ikapp!
Cat I'm glad you liked it
Have a wonderful weekend to you girls and lets hope that the weather is sunshiny and warm./Tyra
Half of my tomato starts died! I think I put them out in the back too soon. So now I must start over again. I hope you are wiser than I and keep your seedlings in long enough.
Same for me , many seedlings all over the house and a few in the garden
Oj, vad många plantor, ljuvligt!!
Det kommer att bli en lummig sommar med massor av grönt hos dig, ser jag.
Hej Thyra! Tack för besöket hos mig! Vilken fantastisk blogg du har och vilket växthus och vilken inspiration! Hit vill jag hemst gärna återkomma. Kan jag länka?!
Oh Willow how sad, but it is not to late to start all over again.
Luc how nice to here from you, I bet you have full spring?
Vella som man bäddar.....dina blå vallmo vill inte:( jag är så ledsen.
Colonialeast But of course, det är klart vi skall länka!
Now I have linked your site! Will be great to come back here to be inspired to do more gardening. When we first moved to our house six years ago I had pots and plants everywhere and I spent so much money on buying plants. Since then I have had three kids and no time. Now I am ready to pick this up again! Good luck tomorrow at the exhibition! I will definately be there too!!
Je découvre ce joli blog. Mais je parle trés mal anglais... J'espère que vous comprendrez... je me permets de mettre un lien sur mon blog.
A bientôt
Hello Tyra,
I am really impressed with the amount of seedlings you store around :) they look great :)
I also like a lot the color of your interior - looks very light and elegant :)
Anne-Marie Bonjour! Je parle mal anglais et le french is even worse! Anyway, nice to meet you and welcome to my blog!
Ewa I'm glad you like my interior, it's the Scandinavian cool colors but you should see my kitchen....the decor there is very colorful! but the walls are still 'offwhite'
You truly are an inspiration to all gardeners Tyra, I am so impressed. Giving over your conservatory to your babies is a small sacrifice for the pleasure they give and will continue to give throughout the growing year.
My greenhouse is bulging at the seams too, I have used all available space. I visited a neighbour in our village this week, he has a massive greenhouse, goodness me, what a dream it is. Marion
this is such a beautiful blog and things that I enjoy in life as well.
thanks for sharing your photos.
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