The Greenhouse,

is about growing matters, focusing on my greenhouse and potager. I grow mainly vegetables, herbs and spices but flowers have their given place too. From seed to table, this is the nursery for my living food, we cook a lot of delicious food and I say a potager is the cook’s best friend. The greenhouse makes it possible to grow essential, colourful, warmth loving fruit and vegetables even in this climate such as tomatoes and chillies. My main blog is Tyras Trädgård/Tyra's Garden. View my profile


Oregano - Origanum vulgare

This post, Oregano' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog The greenhouse in Tyra's Garden
ABC Wednesday this week it is O for Oregano.

Pizza herb numero uno!

The dish most commonly associated with oregano is pizza. Its variations have probably been eaten in Southern Italy for centuries. Here in Sweden you can buy both “pizza herb” and Oregano from the same shelf in the store :-)

Origanum vulgare is an important culinary herb. It is particularly widely used in Mediterranean cuisine. It is the leaves that are used in cooking, and the dried Oregano leaves are often more flavourful than the fresh and that is unusual. In my potager I grow Origanum vilgare compacta as the name says it is a more compact version of the common Oregano.

Oregano is often used in tomato dishes, with fried vegetables, and grilled meat. Together with basil, it contributes much to the distinctive character of many Mediterranean dishes. As I’m a tomato freak I use it a lot in my kitchen, sparingly amounts of it but often. It has this aromatic, warm and slightly bitter taste which I like.

A close relative is Marjoram (Origanum majorana, Lamiaceae) is a somewhat cold-sensitive perennial herb or undershrub with sweet pine and citrus flavours. It is also called Sweet Marjoram or Knotted Marjoram and the old name Majorana hortensis. The related species Origanum onites Pot marjoram (Greece, Asia Minor) and O. heracleoticum (Italy, Balkan Peninsula, West Asia) have similar flavours. A closely related plant is marjoram from Asia Minor, which, however, differs significantly in taste, because phenolic compounds are missing in its essential oil. Some breeds show a flavour intermediate between oregano and marjoram.
Some facts and curiosities from Wikipedia Oregano

Potager - Oregano and friends

Oregano (Origanum vulgare), vars vanligaste svenska namn är kungsmynta, även om den också har kallats mycket annat, till exempel "frimodig", "dosta", "könig" eller vildmejram", är en gammal kulturväxt, vars blad har använts som krydda i olika sammanhang och som surrogat för te. Den har också nyttjats i magiska syften, till exempel vid häxbesvärjelser och exorcism.

En nära släkting till Kungsmyntan är Mejram (Origanum majorana, tidigare Majorana hortensis) används färsk eller torkad som krydda i bland annat korv, kött och ärtsoppa. Mejram är osäkert härdig i Sverige och odlas med fördel som ettårig kryddväxt.

Oregano och Mejram är alltså inte samma sak även fast den ibland kallas vildmejram. Det är lite rörigt i Origanum släktet! Det är väl för att man kallar ”pizzakryddan” för Oregano som liknar släktnamnet Origanum som även ”ärtsoppekryddan” Mejram har i sitt latinska namn Origanum majorana. Sedan att Oregano kallas vildmejram snurrar ju verkligen till det. Att kalla den för Kungsmynta är ju också förvirrande för de är ju inte en av Myntasläktet Mentha.

En annan art är grekisk oregano (Origanum heracleoticum) och en kultursort av O. vulgare är lågväxande oregano (Origanum vulgare compacta). Det är dessa båda som framför allt har använts som krydda på pizza. Den här lågväxande sorten har jag i min potager.

En liten varning! Kungsmyntan kan lätt bli ett ogräs så var lite försiktig var du planterar den.

Fakta och kuriosa från Wikipedia Oregano.

Read about more great ABC Wednesday's O here.


Don't be a stranger - communicate - write something!


Have a great day/TYRA

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MOON PLANTING or Lunar planting

This post, 'MOON PLANTING or Lunar planting' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog The greenhouse in Tyra's Garden
ABC Wednesday this week it is M for MOON planting.

MOON PLANTING or Lunar planting, have you tried it? Does anyone of you practice any one the three methods of Lunar planting? I think it is a most fascinating subject and I must say I don't know anything about it. I know it is a very old technique use by growers since the beginning of time. I found this this site called The Gardeners Calendar they have this MOON planting guide and this what they say about this very interesting subject.

'In ancient times when man had not quite got round to inventing the wristwatch, the most reliable source of telling the time was the sun, moon, and stars. There seems to be several opinions of who came up with the moon planting calendar first. Was it the Egyptians or the Babylonians? It is more than likely that each and every farmer had a planting calendar based on the moon phases, and there would be different variations depending on the geographical location. As their calendars where passed on through the generations they evolved to cover the different crops they tried to grow, and the more productive farming techniques used.' read more...

16th of April

Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, in it's the Last quarter and this is what you can do in the garden of the 16th of April according to the calendar.

According to the Synodic cycle method:

This is not a good time to be sowing anything in the garden. Instead use this time to weed and harvest from the garden. It is an excellent time to start building a new compost heap. sowing... so insted I'll made a 'fence' for my peas to climb on. I gathered some sticks and small branches and made this.

According to the Biodynamic cycle:

Moon in Sagittarius: This is a Fire sign. This is a good time to sow Fruiting plants like Aubergines (Eggplant), Broad Beans (Fava), Cucumbers, French Beans, Marrows and Courgettes, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkins, Runner Beans, Squashes, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes, but it would not be a good time to sow Leaf plants like Basil, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbages, Celeriac, Celery, Dill, Kale, Lettuce, Rhubarb, Seakale, Spinach, Swiss Chard,

Ops...I did plant some Dill in my potager today...

According to the Sidereal cycle method:

Moon in Sagittarius: Dry and barren. Good time to plant onion sets and bulbs.

...and a lot of onions.


WHAT does it mean? This is what The Gardeners Calender says about the matter:

Synodic (waxing and waning) cycle
This is a simple form of Moon planting which divides the Luna cycle into four phases or quarters. This cycle takes 29.6 days to complete. It then groups plants into categories, Root Crops, Foliage, Crops with seeds on the outside, and crops with seeds on the inside. Then it assigns plants to the phases of the moon which best suits there growing characteristics.

Biodynamic cycle
Secondly, there is the more detailed method using the 12 Zodiac signs as a method of position the moon, for more accurate planting. This method was developed by Rudolf Steiner in 1924, and the Zodiac signs used where the actual positioning of the signs in the sky, when the moon passed through them. In addition to the position of the moon, Venus ans Saturn also played a large part in the Biodynamic farming calendar.

Sidereal cycle
Lastly the Sidereal cycle is very similar to the Biodynamic cycle except only the moons orbit around the earth is used to define the best times to sow and harvest. The orbit is divided up into 12 equal 30 degree sections to represent the position of the moon in the sky, but it may not be the same as the current moon position. The sidereal cycle takes 27.3 days to complete.

Read about more great ABC Wednesday's M here.

Don't be a stranger my friend, write something. Please let me know what you think.


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All you need is LOVE

This post, 'All you need is LOVE' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog The greenhouse in Tyra's Garden
ABC Wednesday this week it is L for LOVE.




All you need is LOVE....tap ta da tada

All you need is LOVE....tap ta da tadaa

All you need is LOVE... LOVE!

LOVE is all you need



Read about more great ABC Wednesday's L here.

Don't be a stranger my friend, write something.


Lots of Love/ TYRA

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