The Greenhouse,

is about growing matters, focusing on my greenhouse and potager. I grow mainly vegetables, herbs and spices but flowers have their given place too. From seed to table, this is the nursery for my living food, we cook a lot of delicious food and I say a potager is the cook’s best friend. The greenhouse makes it possible to grow essential, colourful, warmth loving fruit and vegetables even in this climate such as tomatoes and chillies. My main blog is Tyras Trädgård/Tyra's Garden. View my profile


November in Tyra's Garden

November, Silence, pale colours almost black and white at the end of November. It's not one of my favorite months but it has it's moments, like this one above. November morning the soil and what is left in the garden smells wonderful. The sun isn't warm but it certainly warms my heart.

Well, I'm almost done with the 'Cleaning-up the garden'.......Who on earth planted +300 pots? were do they all come from :)

Beautiful leaves in Tyra's Garden, yes I left some for the worms....

There are still some food left to be harvest in my ornamental kitchen garden. The striking 'Nero di Tuscana', some celery, leeks and herbs. Cabbage and Kale of course that I'm saving for Christmas.

November can be really damp and cold, then the garden isn't very inviting . Indoors activities seems much more tempting. To work with the computer, make plans for next year projects or cuddle up in the favorite chair with a good book...and a nice cup of tea, hm....
Are for or against November?


Carol Michel said...

I'm sure it did take some time to clean up 300+ pots! That's an amazing number to work with.

Like you, I've nearly put my garden to bed for the year, too. I still have some bulbs to plant.

Carol at May Dreams Gardens

Catherine said...

I alway's ask myself the same question when I'm readying my garden for winter...where did all these pot's come from, and what was I thinking by planting so much :) November is the birth month of my son, other than that it is not a favorite time of the year for me...I dread the cold damp weather, and having to put the garden to bed for month's...and dreading what comes next with the hustle and bustle and stress of the holiday's!!
but I guess November like any month has beautiful moment's if we just look for them!!
Do you heat your beautiful greenhouse during the winter..? If so that is where I would venture off towith my cup of tea..I bet it is beautiful when it snow's inside Your beautiful greenhouse looking out!! :D

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Carol and Cat thanks for the comments,
and Cat, Yes I do heat the greenhouse a little, the concrete floor doesn't go below the freezingpoint. It is still nice to go out during the winter with a cup of tea or coffee and sit and philosophize, dreaming of the spring.

kate said...

Your post makes me like November than I do. November here is cold and frosty ... I like this month though better than October.

Your garden and house are beautiful!

Ewa said...

Dear Tyra,
I was pointed by jodi as meme tag ‘victim’ and you are one of my ‘victims’ - please have a look at my blog

Barbara said...

I am amazed that you can have so many vegetables growing in Sweden at this time of year.

purple area said...

Beautiful images, amazing garden and green house!!